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Business Information

Let Your Words Speak For You – Increasing Expert Credibility in Your Industry Or Profession

One of the quickest ways to increase credibility in your industry or profession is by writing about it. Yes, writing.

Writing is inordinately undervalued by professionals in virtually every industry and profession. People who rely exclusively on the truism, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” are missing out on vast amounts of business and credibility opportunities, because words are the things that really sell. Whether it’s Web copy or an article, the details are contained in the words. Pictures are nice; words motivate. Words give your customers – and your potential customers – reasons to relate to you. Words describe the features and benefits that move your clients to buy from you or use your services.

Words sell. Period.

Using writing to enhance and increase your visibility should not be limited to your Web copy or articles. Other ways and places to use words to promote your ideas, vision, expertise, and products or services include:

Media releases
E-zines and newsletters
Books and e-books
Info products
Chances are, you’re not.

Internet marketing guru Joe Vitale says there are three essential components that go into the success of any sales copy:

1. A high-quality product or service

2. Hypnotic writing

3. A great list

The exact same ingredients are necessary if you intend to use your words to increase your credibility in your industry or profession. How so? Let’s examine the components again.

A high-quality product or service. In the case of your writing, your unique product is your expertise around your industry or profession. Your goal is to share your unique knowledge about your area of specialization to help people solve problems, earn more, feel better, look better, change their attitudes, or otherwise improve their lives.