Introduction Embarking on a journey toward a master's degree is both exciting and daunting. As someone who has been through the process, I understand the importance of choosing the right university...
If you work for a company that offers products and services or provides content for different countries, you know that translations are part of everyday life. However, translation errors are much...
What do you want from life? Are you happy to be in the rat race, having a 9 to 5 job and looking forward to your retirement, where you will probably have to keep on working to supplement your...
It is human nature to get distracted. Without a clear purpose, you keep changing directions, changing jobs, changing relationships and changing everything else in your life hoping that each change...
Learning The Power and Why I'd like to start with a very powerful exercise that will show you how organize and better define your goals that leads to a pathway of success. Divide a sheet of paper...
How to reach your peeps is just about always on my mind - it comes with the territory of being a marketing therapist. So here I was, two days ago, lounging around on the public beach in Puerto...