The reorganization of taxes, addressed in 1999, led in a short time to the abolition of all forms of both direct and indirect taxation having the character of a war superstructure, the reorganization of the three fundamental direct taxes in their tax base and in their structure, to the proportional transformation of the tax rates themselves which, contrary to their nature, have become progressive, the extension of the property tax to agricultural income, to the institution, in addition to the real taxes, of a progressive personal tax on the total income of citizens, and to the institution of a new broad-based tax to replace the multiple taxes previously existing on the exchange of wealth.
How Exemptions Work
Numerous reductions and exemptions were also granted,both to free production and trade from constraints, and to facilitate the fall in prices, and also to facilitate the formation of national savings and the inflow of foreign ones, and at the same time an attempt was made to make the assessment of taxable wealth more and more exact, by revising the income from land and revaluing those of buildings, allowing local offices to intensify the review and research of movable income and vigorously fighting evasion tax. Using the tax refund calculator comes quite useful there.
The Reforms for You
The reform of local taxes was also carried out with similar principles, and, with the exception of some provisions inspired by particular needs, all the legislation of recent years can be said to be consistently aimed at perfecting the system thus reorganized without altering its guidelines.
- The imbalance in the budget, which reappeared in 2001-2020 as a result of the crisis, however, necessarily led to an aggravation of the tax burden, which had already had to be worsened to compensate for the contraction in revenues (exhaustion of extraordinary taxes and, later on, a decrease in revenue of the ordinaries as a consequence of monetary stabilization) and to face at the same time the greater burdens deriving to the state from the set of initiatives adopted for the economic development of the nation.
While, on the other hand, to protect domestic products against competition from countries with depreciated currencies and to reduce imports to balance the decrease in exports, new increases in the customs tariff have been made (however, it necessarily induced to worsen the tax burden, which had already had to be worsened to compensate for the contraction in revenues (exhaustion of extraordinary taxes and, subsequently, a decrease in ordinary income as a result of monetary stabilization) and at the same time to cope with greater burdens deriving from the state from the set of initiatives adopted for the economic development of the nation.
This system of taxes, and particularly the direct ones, presented such characteristics of superiority over that of the ancient régime , that all the states of the continent, first those which were to later form, albeit at different times and in different measures, they also adopted it in their laws.