If building a CV seems tedious to you, these following tips will certainly make your task easier. They will allow you to be sure not to forget anything! For a recruiter, a resume must reflect a personality, a potential. The choice of colors, layout and structure say a lot about the candidate. Updating the content of your CV is good, but updating the style is just as necessary to land a job in 2020.
Put a Carefully Defined Header in your CV
The header structures your curriculum vitae, it calls attention and allows you to highlight certain elements. A clear and concise title displays your determination and precision. It shows that you impose your identity and you know what you are looking for. That is the very basis of a CV presentation. In addition to your name, add the job title. With a single glance at your CV, the recruiter knows who he is dealing with. To put all the chances on your side without too much effort, it is highly advised to use a quality online CV generator.
Choose the Right Photo for your CV
The picture freezes your image, it must therefore send back as much positive information as possible and make the recruiter want to meet you. If it is successful, the photo gives a more accurate image of you to the recruiter and most naturally illustrates your CV. For this purpose, it is imperative to choose a good quality photo on which you look natural. Avoid forced smiles and languid poses. Do not reuse a totally irrelevant photo or a too old one, always prefer a neutral background. Why not have your photo taken by a professional for the occasion? This will boost your confidence and attest to your seriousness.
Use a Simple but Compelling CV template
For any job search network, a good CV is inevitably an easily readable one. Therefore, choosing a simple and minimalist CV model from an online generator is the best idea you can have. It offers better readability because it goes straight to the point and does not hide behind the devices. It is even the benchmark of modern CV in 2020! Both classic and trendy, the minimalist CV design announces the color of a modern candidate who knows how to get to the point. This type of resume template is very popular because it combines simplicity and efficiency: the perfect combination to make elegance.