A credit card allows you easy access to cheap credit so that you do not have to wait for the next month’s salary to purchase what you desire. Credit cards are also a life saver in situations such as financial emergencies where you need immediate access to funds. In addition to these, credit cards also come with many other benefits like discounts, offers and cashback on various products that allow you save money in the long run.
Credit Card Benefits and Features:
The benefits of a credit card are many. The following list has some of the advantages of a credit card.
- To get you started well, credit cards offer you an initial bonus. Sometimes, bonuses are also offered at a later stage depending on the credit.
- Another great feature credit cards offer is cashback. The rate of cashback is anywhere between 1% – 6%.
- We are not new to reward points. Many among us are sure to have benefitted through reward points. Spending using credit cards can also help you collect reward points and spend them on what you like later.
- For the avid traveller in you, frequent flyer miles are one of the benefits offered by the credit card.
- Most credit cards offer several insurance services like car rental insurance, travel insurance etc.
Other credit card benefits include building credit, being accepted at a wide number of merchant establishments as a mode of payment, safe transaction, increased purchasing power, etc. Apply for a credit card to experience its power yourself.
Apply for a Credit Card and Check credit Card Status
You can easily apply for a credit card on Finserv MARKETS. All you have to do is,
- Visit the FinServ Markets website www.bajajfinservmarkets.in and navigate to the credit cards section.
- Click on “apply for a credit card” and choose your preferred credit card.
- Enter your name, mobile number, and email ID.
- Fill in the new or first credit card form online and submit it.
And that’s it! It’s that simple.
In case you do not want to do it online, you can also visit the nearest bank branch and explain your necessities and requirements to the bank representative to help you choose the card that suits your needs. Then fill in the credit card form and submit it. Also, submit the other documents requested. You will receive your card in a few days.
To verify the application status online, visit the website and enter the mobile number you used while registering the credit card and enter the OTP to know the credit card status.
What to do if the Credit Card is Lost?
In case the credit card is lost, call the card issuer immediately to notify them of the theft. Keep the following information handy.
- Account number
- Date when it was stolen.
- Details of the last purchase – date and amount
Credit cards have become almost a necessity of modern life. Not only do they provide access to credit, they also come loaded with a host of features that help you to save money in the long run. Applying to credit cards on Finserv MARKETS is an easy and hassle-free process that can be completed online.